The Spiritual Alam-Realm of Insan-Man by Sajad Ali
(4 different Hearts) linked to the 7 Lata'if or Centers of the Heart.
1. Sadr - Other Heart.
2. Qalb - Inner Physical Heart.
3. Fuw'aad - Heart with Eye and Ears.
4. Lubb - Innermost or Core heart.
70'000 Khawtir (thoughts) each day divided into 4 types of main Khayal which are ilham and move into Niyyah and then Amal or Actions.
- ilham Nafs - Personal Thoughts.
- ilham Shaytani - Evil waswas Thoughts.
- ilham Malaikah Angelic Thoughts.
- ilham Rabbani-Lordly Thoughts.
Each day 70,000 Khawtir or thoughts are of 4 types only;
So Waswas though Nafs or Shaytani.
Good actions through Malaika and Rabbani.
This affects the 4 types of Hearts.
Pre exists memories - linked to Day of Alastu bi Rabbikum!
Which is linked to Déjà vu Means "already seen." so past experiences of the Soul.
Vision - Trance - Dreams links to past- linked to Khawtir and Dhikr.
The Ruh has 3 levels, which linked to the Realms;
Three levels are of Unity and non-creation
1 Alam HaHoot - Allah
2 Alam Yahoot - Nuri Muhammadiyyah ﷺ
3 Alam LaHoot - 3r Ruh Qudsi
Creation takes place in the coming levels;
Jabrut, Malakut and Nasut.
4 Alam Jabrut - 2nd Ruh Sultani
5 Alam Malakut - 1st Ruh Nurani
6 Alam Nasut - Jism - Ruh Hawani
The Nafs has 7 levels or 7 Lata'if or Centers.
1. Nafs al-Ammara Bissu' (The Soul which Commands)
2. Nafs al-Lawwama (the Soul that Blames, the Reproaching soul)
3. Nafs Al Malhamah (The Inspired Self)
4. Nafs al-Mutma`inna (the Soul at Peace)
5. Nafs Al Radhiyah (The Content Self)
6. Nafs Al Mardhiyah (The Gratified Self)
7. Nafs Al Kamila (The Complete Self).
There there are 7 parts of the body.
Jism 5 Main sense - 5 Elements
- Fire
- Air
- water
- Earth
- Metal
The Two Big Aql - Brain and Heart.
The Two Big Nafs - Private/ Stomach.
Hawa-lust and desires linked to 1st level of Nafs al-Ammara.
Colours of the Aura of the Soul liked to the 7 Levels of the Nafs and 7 Colours and 7 Lata'if or Centers or the Heart.
Your Aura is around you based on Your Good or bad deeds or even its colour is tainted by evil Jinns/Hasad or Sihr Magic around you.
And the you have a smell that is released by Perfume by Good deeds and Bad odour through Sinful deeds, its seen by those with Unveilings too.
Some say there are 36 Muraqabahs (or more) and 17 main Muraqabahs in General to Travel within the Hearts to Open or active the 7 Lata'if or Centers or the Hearts Through Dhikr these are;
1 Latifah al-kalabi,
2 Latifah al-Nafs,
3 Latifah al-Qalb,
4 Latifah al-Sirri,
5 Latifah al-Ruhi
6 Latifah al-Khafi
7 Latifah al-Haqqi
There are several forms of dhikr, like the dhikr of the Sirii, the Ruh and the Khafi and that one can feel the dhikr of it and that the other gives more delight and pleasure then the one before.
Qarin - the Jinn within as mentioned in Quran.
Angels - 2 sets of Recording Angels (Morning and evening)
which is part of levels of existence;
1st Ruh takes Shahadah on (Day of Alastu bi Rabbikum) in front of Allah.
2nd life.
3rd death-Barzakh.
4th going to day of Judgement some in Hell then out,.
5th Hell or Heaven forever.
By Sajad Ali - Tariqah Qadiri Dasagir
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