Friday 5 March 2021

Dua Dhlum Nafsi - Supplication for Wronging One's Soul

 Dua Dhlum Nafsi - Supplication for Wronging One's Soul - By Sajad Ali

Aghithni, Ya Rasulillah! khudh bi-yadi qallat hilati adrikni, ya sahibal judi wal karam salallahu alayhi wa salam.

Meaning: Help me, O Messenger of Allah! Hold my hand support me, All my strategies are over, Help me, Oh Possessor of majesty And generosity bountiful peace be upon him.

Ya Allah, Ya Halim Ya Sattar Ya Lateeful-Khabeer, (Oh Allah, Forbearing Patient one, Oh Cover of Faults, O Gentle one Aware of inner realities). I have severely wrong my Soul.

Please Gaze at me with your Hilm, Satir, Ya Lateeful-Khabeer. All those who I have severely wronged-(Dhlum) unjustly with tongue or deed or thoughts or actions please forgive me, and bless them.

Oh Allah Forgive me for the Sins of the (Haqq-Rights) I have taken from others that has wronged-(Dhlum) and committed to Own Soul and that taken my Good Actions away, for the Sake of 100 Surah al-Fatiha as my Waseelah I send to them as my (Kaffarah-Atonement) to please forgive me.

(Read 100 Surah al-Fatiha and donate to their soul)

Oh Allah Forgive me for the Sins of (Slander-lies) against others I have committed, By those I have slandered for the sake the verse of Sayyida Aisha Siddiqah Surah Nur (11-20). please forgive me.

(Read Surah Nur 11-20 with Niyyah of Protection of Slander-lies and any Slander-lies you have made on others and donate to their soul)

Oh Allah Forgive me for the Sins of (Backbiting) against others I have committed, By those I have Backbiting for the sake audhu billah minash-shaytanir-rajeem, Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem and 5 Surah Ikhas I send to to them as (Kaffarah-Atonement) please forgive me.

(Read and donate to their souls)

Oh Allah Forgive me for the Sins (Mocking) against others I have committed, By those I have Mocked, for the sake Surah Al-Fatiha I send to to them as (Kaffarah-Atonement) please forgive me.

(Read and donate to their souls, the ones you have wronged)

Oh Allah Forgive me for the Sins wrong-(Dhlum) against others I have committed, By those who I have Wronged (Dhlum) for the sake Salawat al-Fatihi send to them as (Kaffarah-Atonement) please forgive me.

(Read and donate to their souls, the ones you have wronged)

Oh Allah Forgive me for the Sins wrong-(Dhlum) I have committed to Own Nafs that has lessened Spiritual Progress through the Waseelah of Risalah Shareef of Sultan Bahu Qaddas allahu sirrahu I send to to them as (Kaffarah-Atonement) please forgive me.

(Read and donate to their souls or Make Niyyah by its Secrets if you cannot read or have)

Oh Allah Forgive me for the Sins of Ghill-(resentment/Grudges) I have wronged-(Dhlum) and committed to Own Soul that has Stopped my Spiritual Progress through the Waseelah of Salawat Kubra Shareef of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Qaddas allahu sirrahu Kareem I send to them as (Kaffarah-Atonement) please forgive me.

(Read and donate to their souls or Make Niyyah by its Secrets if you cannot read or have)

O Allah Forgive me for the Sins of Anger and I have wronged-(Dhlum) and committed to my own Soul that has killed Spiritual Progress through the Waseelah of Dalail Khayrat, may it rain on my Heart and Soul and soften me by Shaykh Jazuli Qaddas allahu sirrah I send to my them as (Kaffarah-Atonement) please forgive me.

(Read and donate to their souls or Make Niyyah by its Secrets if you cannot read or have)

Oh Allah, Ya Halim Ya Sattar Ya Lateeful-Khabeer, I have severely wrong my Soul, by which my Good actions have lessen or stopped or my Duas have are become less effective and trials and tests have increased and Rizq and Blessings decreased, So please accept my Tawba, as Sincere Tawba Nasuh and credit my back those good actions, for you do as you please.

And allow the increase of blessing and goodness and my Rizq Deen and Dunya and Ruhani to flow and decrease and stop those trials and tests in my life.

Please accept this as my (Kaffarah-Atonement) against their Souls in this world and the next, so they can cannot make a claim or be a claimant against at and to be saved at maqam Qantarah by the ( The Sake of Salah al-khusama Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Qaddas allahu sirrahu Kareem Read 7 times)

Note: Maqam Qantarah-(the last check point place before trying to enter jannah) where ones deeds are ripped of them for claims of Sins and Haqq be stolen from them. (That doesn't mean (if it’s in your hands and ability) to return you don’t return the Haqq you have taken stolen or humble yourself and ask for forgiveness)

Ya Allah, Ya Halim Ya Sattar Ya Lateeful-Khabeer Bi-Haqqi Laqad jaa'akum rasulum-min anfusikum 'azeezun 'alayhi ma 'anittum hareesun 'alaykum bil-mu'mi-neena ra'uw-fur-raheem Fa-in ta-wal-law faqul-hasbiya-allahu laailaha illa-hu 'alayhi tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbul-'arshil-'adheem (9:128-129)

Meaning: Oh Allah Forbearing Patient one, Oh Cover of Faults, O Gentle one Aware of inner realities, for the Sake of; Mighty (grievous) to him is your sufferings; most eager is he for your (welfare), to the believers (he is) constantly compassionate, constantly merciful. Still, if they turn away from you (O Messenger), say: "God is sufficient for me; there is no deity but He. In Him have I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Supreme Throne (as the absolute Ruler and Sustainer of the universe and all creation, Who maintains and protects it)." (9:128-129)
Ya Rasulillahi unzur haalanaa,
Ya Habiballahi 'isma' qaalanaa
Inna-ni fi bahri (Haam)-mim mughraqun
Inna-ni fi bahri (Gham)-min mughraqun
khuzyadi sah-hil lanaa ashka-lanaa

meaning: O Messenger of Allah peace be upon him,
cast a gaze of compassion at our pitiable state,
O Beloved of Allah peace be upon him listen to our supplication.

Really! I'm drowning in the sea of afflictions,
For God's sake come to help us, ease our difficulties

Aghithni, Ya Rasulillah! khudh bi-yadi qallat hilati adrikni, Ya sahibal Judi wal karam salallahu alayhi wa salam.

Meaning: Help me, O Messenger of Allah! Hold my hand support me, All my strategies are over, Help me, Oh Possessor of majesty And generosity bountiful peace be upon him.

Khuzbi-Yaadi Shay'aan lil-laah Ya Hazrat sultan, Shaykh Abdal Qadir Jilani shay'aan lil-laah al-maddad

Meaning: (Take me by the hand-support me) ( to get out of this misery) for the sake of Allah, Oh Honourable King! Shaykh Abdul Qadiri of al-Jilan for the sake of Allah, Help me!

Inna-ni fi bahri (Haam)-mim mughraqun
Inna-ni fi bahri (Gham)-min mughraqun
The Difference of Hamm and Ghamm both mean Pain.

Hamm: Pain that occurs due To misfortunes that happened in the Past.
Ghamm: Pain that occurs due to an expected misfortune in the Future.

Show (Shukr Gratefulness) and Support and take part in Monthly Ghyaarvi Shareef (Honourable 11th). Giving Sadaqah in the Honour of Shaykh Abdal Qadir Jilani qaddas Allahu sirru to the Poor.

'Sadaqah relieves the Lord’s anger and averts an evil death.' (Tirmidhi)
'Give Sadaqah without delay, for it stands in the way of problems/ calamities.'(Tirmidhi) 

Tariqah Qadiri Dastagir:
Tariqah of Direct Bay'ah with Shaykh Abdal Qadiri Jilani qaddas Allahu sirru
and Direct Bay'ah with Shaykh Ahmad Rifai qaddas Allahu sirru and Support from Rijal al-Ghayb

If you don't have a Shaykh/Pir in Bay'ah or they have passed away, and you would like to take Bay'ah and learn from Tariqah Qadiri Dastagir Contact: Or Join our Public Facebook Group link below and send a message. Public Tariqah Qadiri Dastagir Lovers of Ghawth al-Azam following his Powerful Awrad, Salawats and Protection Hisaars.

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